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O-Shot® Treatment Overview

O-shot® treatment is one of the popular and safe treatment for women. This treatment helps to improve a woman’s quality of life. We offer O-Shot® treatment with the latest technique and technology at Femi Fresh USA. In this article we will discuss about O-Shot® treatments, benefits, FAQs.


O-Shot® Treatment

The O-Shot® treatment is a radical method designed to develop sexual satisfaction for women. O-Shot® treatment in Orlando. The O-Shot® make use of a combo of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and special injection help to improve sexual function, it is a non-surgical method that uses the body’s own growth composing to arouse the growth of new, well and healthy tissue in the vagina. This new tissue growth can better sexually function, decrease pain, and improve emotion and pleasure.

Benefits of O-Shot® Treatment?

  • O-Shot® treatment is becoming popular day by day among women looking to improve their sexual health. O-shot® for women Here are some benefits of O-Shot® treatment.
  • O-Shot® treatment improved women sexual sensation and satisfaction in women.
  • O-Shot® treatment reduce symptoms of urinary incontinence.
  • O-Shot® treatment reduced pain during intercourse.
  • O-Shot® treatment increased natural lubrication.
  • O-Shot® treatment improved orgasms.
  • O-Shot® treatment Improved overall sexual health.


Dr. J, M.D. will do your O-Shot® treatment. He is best an American Board-Certified Physician specializing in Cosmetic and Aesthetic Treatments, Laser Hair Removal and Hair Transplant O-Shot® Treatment, and Lip Filling as well.


How does O-Shot® treatment work?

O-Shot® treatment works by injecting PRP into the clitoris and the area around the vagina, called the O-Spot. O-Shot® treatment associate using a patient’s own plasma platelets to provoke the growth of new cells in vagina. Then doctor will first draw the patient’s plasma and disconnected the platelets from the rest of the plasma. The platelets are then injected in to the area, which helps to boost plasma flow and provoke the growth of new cells. O-Shot® treatment. the new cells help to boost sensitivity and lubrication, which can bring about improved sexual pleasure.

Is this treatment being hurt?

O-Shot® treatment is painless, this is because the needle used to superintend the shot is very small and the injection itself is normally over speedily.

What happen after the procedure?

After the O-Shot® method, patients may experience balmy discomfort, swelling. These manifestations are commonly temporary and abate within 1-2 days.

What to avoid after the O-Shot® treatment?

After the treatment patient should avoid any kind of physical activities. O-shot® providers in Central Florida This includes exercise, high lifting for at least 24 hours. It is also good to abandon from sexual intercourse for at least 2-3 days after treatment.

Is this treatment being permanent?

The O-Shot® treatment is long lasting. O-Shot® for women in Orlando Many patients report experience these benefits for months or even years after their initial O-Shot® method. nevertheless, particular results may vary depending on aspect such as age, overall health status, and lifestyle habits.


At Femi Fresh USA clinic we have trained staff. In our spa we give good and comfortable environment for our patient. You are welcome for charge less consultation at our spa. Our staff is always available to give answer your questions regarding treatments. So, plan your charge less consultation today at clinic Femi Fresh USA.

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